<aside> <img src="/icons/flag_gray.svg" alt="/icons/flag_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Google Analytics 4 event tracking is only available for projects using the Google BigQuery data warehouse.


To use event data from Google Analytics 4 in SegmentStream, you need to first set up a Google Analytics 4 BigQuery export. Please refer to the Google Analytics guide for detailed setup instructions, ensuring that the following requirements are met:

Once the GA4 BigQuery Export is set up, data should start flowing to your BigQuery project within 24 hours. After that happens, you will be able to connect your Google Analytics 4 to SegmentStream.

Connecting Google Analytics 4 to SegmentStream

  1. Inside the admin panel navigate to Settings → Events Tracking.
  2. Click + ADD and select the Google Analytics 4 option.
  3. In the drawer that opens authorise your Google account.
  4. Select the account and property where your data is collected.
  5. Click Save.
  6. All event data exported to your BigQuery in the past 60 days will be processed by SegmentStream, and reports will become available. This process might take a couple of hours.


Referral exclusion logic

To ensure SegmentStream provides accurate insights, it's crucial that it accurately identifies where each session's traffic is coming from. Properly setting up referral exclusions is key, especially when users move between different domains or subdomains, like during redirects.

Typical scenarios for using referral exclusions are to stop counting traffic from payment gateways, login systems, or other internal processes as external referrals.

SegmentStream uses the settings from your Google Analytics 4 (GA4) property to filter out these unwanted referrals. So, if your GA4 is correctly set up, SegmentStream will automatically apply those same settings. This process helps identify and exclude unwanted referral traffic through the following methods: