This method of integration is required if your Google Analytics integration is already sending data to a server container. It works by creating a new Google Analytics 4 configuration that is a copy of your original GA4 configuration and will only send data to the SegmentStream server.

SegmentStream admin panel setup

  1. Inside the admin panel navigate to Settings > Events Tracking.
  2. Open the Advanced Settings menu and disable the Forward events to Google Analytics 4 option.
  3. Click on the field containing the Server Container URL to copy its value to your clipboard and click SAVE.


Create new data stream in your Google Analytics 4

  1. Sign in to your Google Analytics account and navigate to the Admin section.

  2. Select the account and property where your current data stream is located.

  3. Under the Property column, click on Data Streams.


  4. Click on the Add Stream button and select Web.


  5. You should see a notice, click yes.


  6. Enter your website's URL and name the stream SegmentStream GA4 Streaming.


  7. Click Create stream.

  8. Any custom events and event modifications specified in the settings of the current data stream need to be duplicated in the newly created SegmentStream GA4 Streaming stream.


  9. Make note of the Measurement ID of your new data stream.


Configure tags in your GTM

  1. Go to the Tags section in the Google Tag Manager container.

  2. Open your Google Tag tag (formerly known as Google Analytics: GA4 Configuration tag) and copy it.


  3. Rename the copied tag to GA4 Streaming Configuration.